Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February Update

I cannot believe that February is already here. A reminder that Report cards will be sent home on Friday February 8th, with parent teacher interview taking place from February 11th to the 15th. In addition, there is a PA day on February 15th as well as the family day on the 18th.

In Language arts, we will be working on personal narratives and creating, editing, revising and publishing a personal story from our past. Additionally, we will be working on our Book in a Box, based on our independent reading novel. Lastly, we will be continue to progress through our Wordly Wise lessons and complete our drama skits.

Geography will be coming to an end for the year as we begin our History position on February 19th. The students will be looking at why we study history, and using primary and secondary courses to examine different historical events.

I hope that everyone is coping with the cold weather and I for one cannot wait for the spring weather to appear.